
January 25, 2012

Say what??? Melba Ketchum and the never ending DNA Study.

The Bigfoot Community went "wild" last night with the outing of (what was called) information about the DNA work being conducted by Dr. Melba Ketchum.

Well, here it is,

This is a movie or proposed media project proposal. This is not the results of Melba's DNA study.

Melba immediately released this statement:

"To address the recent hype and misstatements concerning my paper, please be advised that the information pulled off the US Copyright website for a 2010 preregistration for a proposed media project is not an accurate summary of our scientific testing and data and does not reflect the current conclusions of our scientific paper. The contemplated media project was never produced and no update was ever made to the short description on the preregistration statement. Instead of working on proposed media projects, we have been focusing our time and energy on our ongoing scientific testing and data which will be accurately summarized in the final version of our scientific paper. The final paper presenting our data, analysis and updated conclusions will be published in a peer reviewed scientific journal but we do not have a publication date at this time.

- Dr. Melba Ketchum"

So now the "bigfoot is people" camps are fist pumping, doing hip bumps and dancin the jig basically claiming victory in the fight to put Bigfoot in the "human" camp.

Why are they celebrating? I have no clue. They should actually be worried that Melba is leaving their camp.

Clearly, this is not Melba's opinion.

Excerpt from Melba’s Paper:

"the information pulled off the US Copyright website for a 2010 preregistration for a proposed media project is not an accurate summary of our scientific testing and data and does not reflect the current conclusions of our scientific paper."

Note the words in Melba’s statement: “Is not.”

What do you take from that bolded section of Melbas quote? I know what it says to me.

Melba Ketchum has become the “poster girl” for the “Bigfoot is human” crowd. Her statement says to me that may be a bit presumptuous on the part of those who think Bigfoot is human.

This study has created more questions than it has answered. While we were told we would have the information before the end of 2011 – we are once again in a “holding pattern”….

You know, this could be why peer reviewed papers are not discussed UNTIL they are actually peer reviewed and published.

At this point, as always, I just want to know what all this hype is about. I really hope this community is not going to go through another “just trust me, I will tell you everything soon,” situation. If the Ketchum study proved nothing I can live with that. If the Ketchum report has come up with some new information, I can live with that too. I, like many others are just tired of the “come back in a few months.” Then the, “well, I’m not quite ready to release information yet and here is the super reason.”

I have given Melba Ketchum the benefit of the doubt and published very little on my blog about her “DNA Study.” But, as many of you can imagine, I am growing tired of the excuses and the releasing of “just enough” information to keep everyone hanging on her every word. I am not even going to get into my own questions about how Melba was able to ensure the validity of the samples she took from people across the country. That does concern me, because I have seen the countless eye rolls when you discuss proper methods of evidence collection. So, my fears about the quality of the samples are justified.

To sum this all up, so I can end this article:

The report is not out. What was posted was a proposal for a “media production”. The information in that proposal is not an accurate representation of what her study has concluded.

In other words: false alarm. Nothing to see here folks! Move along!


  • At 2:24 PM, Anonymous Lisa A. Shiel said…

    It's been said numerous times that scientific journals require confidentiality and exclusivity, and that this explains why no real information has been released yet concerning the Ketchum project. Although this is often true, one has to wonder whether all this "leaking" of vague and/or misleading information is not a violation of that very confidentiality.

    Will any journal want to seriously consider a paper about Bigfoot, much less one that has been the source of so much "leaking," gossip, and rumor mongering?

    Time will tell.

    Lisa A. Shiel
    author of Creature of Controversy

  • At 3:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I have been thinking the same thing. How much is leaked and how much is really being "allowed" out.

    Melissa Hovey

  • At 9:49 AM, Anonymous Victoriuh said…

    Very interesting. I had never heard of this DNA study. I didn't realize there were people who thought this was a modern human. I have been researching an informational webpage on Bigfoot Books for children, so I've been doing a lot of browsing on the web. There are a lot more projects out there than I realized. A credible DNA study would be amazing.

  • At 10:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello Victoriuh,

    Actually, even Dr. Ketchum seems to be backing away from this theory (Modern Human) she had at one time. She isn't saying what the DNA revealed, just yet, and according to some reports the study itself will be published sometime this month. I thought I read around the 15th, but dont quote me. :) IF and WHEN it comes come out, I will post an article here.



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