
August 15, 2016

Bigfooters and Healthy Skepticism.

Skepticism. What is it? Here is the Merriam Websters definition.

Skepticism has been a dirty word in this community for a long time - much longer than I've even been around.

Why is that? Why is it so bad to be skeptical?

Beats me.

Question: If you believe everything your told, how do you know you're being told the truth? How do you ferret out the hoaxers and scammers?

Answer: You can't.

I'm a skeptic. Gasp!! Yes. Always have been and will continue to be. Why? Because I haven't seen the animal in question.

Think about this: If I haven't seen the animal, what gives me the right, to be a believer? Doesn't that take away from what real witnesses go through? That would be like me trying to identify with the victim of a robbery. I've never (thank god) been robbed. To try and identify with that person would be beyond insulting to what they - in fact - experienced. I can do my level best to try and find out exactly what happened.

Yes, witnesses want to be believed;

But shouldn't they be believed for the right reasons?

Do I think people who discuss "wild" and "fringe" claims should stop talking? Never said that. But, I'm not sure were looking for the same thing.

Even the best researchers can be taken in by a really good story. It happens all the time, and given the amount of information we put out, it will continue to happen. If you don't think the next great hoaxer isn't reading all the material new researchers think is a waste of time - you would be wrong. How do you think they come up with such convincing information? As researchers we must always be on guard - or be prepared to be tied to a great hoax. Who wants that?

Not me.

If we don't question, how do we learn?

I, and others, question everyone. Why? Because sometimes the information being offered doesn't make sense. I would rather question a researcher - and discover they are being played - then let it go on and that researcher (old or new) get hurt in the process. But, that's just me.

If you don't ask questions and simply believe what you're told - what exactly are you basing your belief on?

Faith the person is telling you the truth?

Science is filled with those who have questions. That's why they get involved in Science - they want to be that person who unlocks or solves the great mysteries of the world. They don't do that by only getting pats on the back and journals publishing their work. They do that through hard work. Testing and re -testing their hypothesis and information. They put their work before peers who give their honest reactions and alternate views.

If you think this community is tough on its people I would suggest you stay away from mainstream science.

Proving Bigfoot exists is not, nor has it ever been, easy. Nor should it be. We should hold ourselves to a higher standard than simply, "believing" everything we're told. We should want to be skeptical of every claim we hear. We should want to investigate, ask questions, investigate some more - and ask more questions. Collect as much information as we can.

Researchers who have entered this community in  the last couple years, blame the, "old timers," for there being next to nothing new. Well, I would argue there is much new - but maybe those who are complaining are not paying attention? That's all I can come up with. "Old Timers," have also made this topic more "mainstream" - meaning you're less likely to be laughed at - as you once were. Through hard work, thought provoking television shows and internet radio - "old timers" have raised the level of Bigfoot discussion. I'm sure many would argue this, but this is my own personal opinion.

My personal fav is the new researcher who claims to have had a sighting, trashing the "old timers." Hey,  you say you seen the animal in question.. Where is your new information? Don't tell me you're afraid to discuss it. Remember - you're a researcher blaming the lack of forward movement on those before you. So - where is your information that moves this forward? When you're doing the same thing "old timers" have been doing for years, you're not exactly breaking new ground.

I don't profess to have all the answers. But, since I have become involved in this pursuit I have learned so much about, animal behavior, DNA, technology and human behavior more than I thought was possible.


Knowledge is important. I can always learn something. As I learn more, I do what I can, to share that with everyone. Maybe some don't like it, maybe some do, I don't know. But at least I am willing to listen and pay attention to those who know more than me.

That's how we move forward. Questions - listening to answers - and applying that knowledge in the field.

The truth is not dependent upon belief. It's up to us to find the truth.

Have a great day everyone!!!


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