Steve Kulls on The Grey Area/ Topic: GA Bigfoot on Ice.

Steve has stated on other programs, he was not sure if he still planned to follow through with this show - Lets see if he is a "man of his word". I have received nothing from Steve stating he will not be calling in for the show, so until that happens, Both Monica and myself are preparing for this show.
If you have questions for Steve, our call in number is 1-724-444-7444 and the talkshoe ID number is 19957.
This show is being done to try and get some of the questions answered only Steve can answer, and as our conversation setting up the details of this show, he said he was ready to do just that. Steve will not refuse any question - and and has agreed to supply me with information to prove certain details.
Tune in, and hopefully we can put a large part of this behind us.
In the interest of full disclosure.. I am back in Texas after my 8 days of "Not a Bigfoot Free Vacation" in Ohio --- but, Monica will be calling in from Houston :) But you will all be able to talk to Monica in the chatroom - and she will be on the show for about the first half hour to forty-five minutes :)
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