You bad bigfooters!!
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(Sharon Hill) |
As much as I hate to admit it, Ms. Hill is right, on this
"Bigfooters" do behave badly.
But when was the last time a "Bigfooter" received
constructive criticism that amounted to something? It's a two way street.
Ms. Hill is also ignoring the fact that skeptical
researchers like me are bashed heavily by the skeptics she calls
"scientific". Where is the science in saying that because I look for
this animal then that makes me a "believer?" That's the comment all
of us have seen on skeptical websites like the JREF. I am not a
"believer" I investigate stories told to me by others. I would say
roughly 95% of what I investigate; I can make the determination that the
witness had a mis-identification. I am honest about that along with many, many
other "Bigfoot Researchers" I know.
Do the skeptical Bigfooters get any credit for being
Who decides what is "skeptical enough?" Is there a
board somewhere we "skeptical bigfooters" should apply? The lines for
"Skeptical" are very blurred. Near as I can tell on the JREF - call a
"bigfooter" a few filthy names, accuse them of hoaxing and then never
admit you go into the field looking - and you're just fine. But, the second you
admit you went out into the woods - your skeptical card gets revoked.
How did I do?
Ms. Hill (in her article) discusses the "Paranormal
Bigfooters" more than anyone. Yet, she did not make that distinction.
There are different "factions" within this community, and I find it
unfortunate she didn't point this out considering she claims so much knowledge
of the community. She should know.
I do not do field work with any of the people who hold these
attitudes or beliefs she discussed. Yet we are all lumped into the same
category. That's about as fair as the nastiness she is complaining about toward
the authors of this new book out now. But, her comments about the sexism - yeah
spot on. But, women within this community have been talking about this for a
long time.
Welcome to the party.
You say scoftic, I say, Bigfooter,
Let's quickly discuss the term she used,
"Bigfooters". This word was first used a few years back by the JREF
skeptical fans, as an insult, to anyone who gets involved in the Bigfoot
research or community. So let’s just be honest about this. If it was not meant
as an insult on her part then I stand corrected. But, one must ask, why did she
even use it? Ms. Hill has been a part of the JREF community for a long time. I
use the word, "Bigfooters." But not because I am trying to show
disrespect to my fellow researchers, but by using the word, the sting of it,
isn't as nasty.
She discusses Bigfoot Blogs. Then the one she points out is
ran by someone who doesn't even do field work. Never fact checks anything, and
the worst of the comments on this blog are from people connected to the blog
itself or in the die-hard skeptical community. I wish she had made note of
that. Maybe she doesn't know? Who knows, but, I give her points for having the
guts to call them out.
It sure won't make you popular.
Ms. Hill - it's not about the truth - it's about hits......
You have a blog. You should know that. Sensational sells. That's why that blog,
no one goes to for any real information, gets the kind of attention it gets.
Albeit negative.
The owner simply does not care.
I have no real big problems over all with what she has to
say but the problems being discussed in this article are on both sides.
Skeptics are just as filthy and insulting, in their comments, as bigfooters can
be. So, let's be careful throwing stones, the window you hit, could be your
There is very little constructive criticism coming from the
skeptical community. Sorry but, "your stupid," or "you're a
Bigfooter so your opinion doesn't count," doesn't cut it, as scientific
evaluation and criticism.
When it comes to women the gloves come off and anything is
fair game. But that's in both the Skeptical Community and the Bigfoot
Community. What's even worse is women back these men or they say these things
themselves. I guess they don't realize that one day those same insults will
come back at them?
So, there is equal opportunity, in that for both communities
at least. If you can't find it - it's even okay to make it up. But, Ms. Hill is
guilty of this herself. I have seen comments she has made about me - yet she
has never even spoken to me or contacted me for any information. So exactly
what information has she used to come to her conclusions about me? It sure
wasn't both sides.
I have never been shy.
She brings up a book - co-authored by Michael Shermer..
Yeah, pretty sure I know what he has to say. But, just as
"Bigfooters" have the right to handle their research however they
want (there are no rules) then I guess so does Mr. Shermer.
It's just one more opinion.
It is not my intention to pick on Ms. Hill. Like I said, I
have few problems with what she posted. But, let's be honest here.
The skeptical community is not full of saints and neither is
the Bigfoot community. Either we all learn how to talk to each other, or maybe,
we should just stay away from each other. There is little productive
conversation coming from either side and a whole lotta finger pointing with
neither side having all the answers.
Sorry, but not even the skeptics are perfect. I have seen
some pretty lame arguments on the JREF too coming from skeptics who say one
thing in the open, and private message me, something completely different.
Labels: Bigfooters, Bigoot, JREF, Paranormal, Sasquatch, Sharon Hill, Skeptics