Biography of Gino Napoli

T.B.R.C Field Researcher
Hi, my name is Gino Napoli.
I grew up in western Pennsylvania during the 70's with 3000 acres at my back door. As kids we hunted fished and trapped in the woods all around our home. I always had a fascination with sasquatch growing up. My aunt lived in northern California and sent me dozens of articles about bigfoot sightings in and around her state. She kept my eyes wide open when I was a kid. We planned our trips to California in search of bigfoot. I remember making my mom stop at a Winnebago dealership so I could get some brochures on the one (we) were going to get. We had big plans all the way down to what cameras we were going to take in the field. Crazy kids.
Life went on and other things took place of my bigfoot hunting dream. I moved to Texas in 78 and started learning how to turn a wrench. Like a lot of teenagers girls and cars took place of hunting and fishing, and bigfoot was put on the back burner. Until the early 80's when I had a visual on what I first thought was a bear, it changed my whole perspective on life. I found out that things in our world are not always what they seem. My sighting report is on the T.B.R.C. website under parker county.
I started using the internet in 2000 and the first thing I entered in was bigfoot, man the information on the net. I read bigfoot came from ufo's, I read they came through worm holes, I read they could appear and disappear like magic. Lots of theories and lots of ideas, the big one was finding out there were more people who claim to see bigfoot in the south like I did. I hooked up with the T.B.R.C at there first big meeting in Dallas and have been part of there group ever since. For the last five years we have done many day and night outings in areas where we receive reports. I can tell you 2 things I learned from the Parker County incident. I went and got some help after I left the area that night. About 5 of us came back to the spot when it got really quiet, you could hear a pin drop. All of a sudden we heard this branch snap off of a tree, it was like you could hear it bending and then snap. After that, the animals started making there noises again and the night was back to normal. The next day my brother , myself and a friend walked up the creek to the railroad tracks. We all were armed with 12 gauge shotguns and 00 buck. After walking for a while we heard all this noise on the hill heading up to the tracks where my brother was, along the hill I was 50 yards to his right and our buddy was 50 to my right, all of a sudden I hear my brother yell for me in a panic stricken voice. I was looking in the direction of the noise when I see trees parting on the hill going up to the tracks.
When I made it over to my brother he was on one knee with his shotgun pointed up the hill, I said what the hell was it? He said he did not know but it was huge. When my friend got there we ran over to the hill (very steep) and found a footprint impression in the middle of the hill and one at the top. The trees were bent down as it used them to pull itself up the steep bank. I tried to get up the bank the same way and was not able too. It went up the hill like it was no problem. About a 100 yards from there we found what we thought was some kids starting to make a fort, I told my brother those kids walked a long way just to make a fort. From what I remember it was 10 or so branches snapped in half standing up against a horizontal tree branch- like a wall of a fort. The branches were about as big around as my wrist some smaller. I believe we saw a marker of some kind, a territorial marker or maybe something to do with the food in the area. Just a theory but I saw it just the same. Today we think they snap branches to show dominance or try to scare you out of an area. A lot of different stick formations have been found, why they were made we don't actually know. A lot of speculation on my part. Anyway if any of this holds true these animals have been doing the same stuff for a long time, at least since the early 80's because I saw and heard it.
Photo provided by Chris Buntenbah, Wildlife Photographer and T.B.R.C. Field Researcher