Men in Bigfoot Research, Sean Forker

Sean Forker: My name is Sean Forker, I am 20 years old, married, with 2 kids and a cat. We live in the picturesque Susquehanna Valley, in Central Pennsylvania.… and I am a Squatch-a-holic. Ok, Seriously. I am interested in one thing when it comes to research. THE TRUTH. I listen to all sides of the spectrum, but I truly feel in my heart of hearts that this is a flesh and blood animal.
I love to have fun, and I am a jokester. I think we all need to have a sense of humor, since 96.8 percent of the population on this planet thinks we are nuts anyhow.
Some people think I am a very private person, but this is not the case. I talk regularly to people on this subject. When it comes to forums… I only post when I have something to say of importance. So its not a matter of being a closet case as it is being a listener. (I have been on Bigfoot Forums for over a year, and I have 250 posts.)
Ok… for all those who have fallen asleep… WAKE UP!!! I do The ‘X’ Zone Radio show with Rob McConnell usually monthly. That can be heard at . Click on Listen Live when I am on… since everyone else is boring. (JUST KIDDING!) I talk about Bigfoot and answer questions. Its a lot of fun, and I hope people learn from our segment. I am all about education on this creature.
Sorry for the rant… I hate talking about myself.
Question: How long have you been active in the field of Bigfoot research?
Sean Forker: I have been field active since I was 13 years old. I anecdotally call that field research, because at that time, I didn’t know what the hell I was doing. In late 2004, I discovered the PA Bigfoot Society, joined in 2005, and have been an active member since. Going back a moment; I really started serious field research at age 17, baiting local areas with apples. I read a lot of the older books, and become absolutely fascinated since the age of 10. Short Answer: 7 years.
Question: What has been your primary focus, in this field of study? Please explain.
Sean Forker: My biggest focus to date has been trying to educate the unknowing public. For years they have mislead by the media, and “expert” skeptics that the common consensus among the public is that the Sasquatch is a mythological, fairy tale- like creature. I present the current evidence as accurate as possible; and let people decide for themselves. Does this creature exist? Perhaps. But that is a right reserved for the self, and cannot be based on one half of the truth.
When we finally get the American Bigfoot Society webpage up, in the way I have envisioned it, I hope it to be a massive online reference; that will be a continual work in progress.
Question: Are you active in any Organized Groups, or are you Independent? Or both?
Sean Forker: My affiliations include: Alliance of Independent Bigfoot Researchers, PA Bigfoot Society,, and the American Bigfoot Society. Because of time constraints, I have been very independent, but with time freeing up, I hope to become more involved with these great groups.
Question: What do you think about the growing numbers of women becoming active in this field?
Sean Forker: I personally feel that it’s great! For about the last 40 years, women have been in a minority. It is time, though PAST DUE, for a change. Women I believe are more perceptive then men, and also more levelheaded. It’s that eye for detail in my opinion that makes women great researchers. Bobbie Short comes to mind as the one who deserves great accolades; for her treks across the globe and collection of data. She should be the template for not just women, but all researchers.
Question: Have you had to deal with any resistance to your being in this field of research, due to your age?
Sean Forker: Being 20 years old, I think by far makes me one of the youngest active field researchers out there. Not many people want to hear what a kid has to say. I owe a big thanks to my mentor in this field, Eric Altman, who took me under his wing. He showed me reason, and made me the researcher I am today.
Question: Can you give any advice to women who are considering entering this research, but are hesitant?
Sean Forker: This applies to BOTH Genders:
If you are hesitant, you probably aren’t that interested. This isn’t one of those fields you can just put one foot in. Be brave, and jump in. Be up to date with the findings in this field. The more you know the better off you’ll be. Most importantly, stand up for your convictions. What you believe is just as important as what others think. Once you do that, you have my respect.
Question: How did you become involved in the search for this undocumented North American Primate?
Sean Forker: When I was ten years old, I read my dad’s copy of “Sasquatch: The Apes Among us” by John Green. That book inspired me to get involved. I soon read all I could about this mystery primate.
I think this was a desire I was born with, since my father and grandfather both enjoyed this topic and the discussion surrounding it. I took it to the next level by getting into the field. In 2005, I got my first affiliation with a REAL group, the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society. I have investigated reports for them, and have gotten more active in the field. In 2006, I was accepted into the AIBR (Alliance of Independent Bigfoot Researchers), something I am most proud of. It’s the mystery of this all that still keeps me involved.
Question: Have you had a sighting? If so please explain.
Sean Forker: I have yet to have a sighting with one of these creatures. I did have an experience in June of 2006, a sensory and emotional overload in the woods in an area that has MAJOR history of sightings in Pennsylvania. I feel that I came close to something, but until I know what is was… I will never say for sure.
Question: Does not having a sighting ever discourage you? If so, why? If not, Why?
Sean Forker: If anything, it makes me more determined to prove they exists. The hardest person I have had to convince is myself, and I am still not sure that it does.
Question: Do you ever get into the field?
Sean Forker: I get into the field as often as possible. The frequency varies on my work schedule, but usually two weekends a month.
Question: Do you take witness statements?
Sean Forker: Yes. I am an active researcher in Pennsylvania; I am the Investigator for 6 counties. I take witness statements whenever I am asked to take a sighting. My Technique is simple. I listen to their story, and have them retell it several times. I take all the information, look for discrepancies. If there are too many, I begin to ask about them. I never ask questions that may swoon them to believe that they have seen a Bigfoot. I think that leading happens too often, and really weakens the foundation of witness reports. Teresa Hall gave me an awesome template and I use that faithfully.
Question: Most researchers have one Report that "Stands Out" in their minds, is there a report that still "stands out" for you?
Sean Forker: I think the most interesting report/ story that I have heard is the 1941 Ruby Creek Story. Read it at: . Click On: The Classics
Question: What do you think is the most important question to ask a witness?
Sean Forker: Could this have been mistaken for any other animal? (Besides if they where drinking… LOL!)
Question: Do you have any advice for a new researcher?
Sean Forker: BE HONEST. BE OBJECTIVE. READ… READ… READ!!!!! And before you start making claims, be sure you have evidence to back it up. And Have it ready. If you are very new… find yourself a mentor. Someone that will help keep you in check with reality. That last part has been the most helpful to me.