It's not often I stay away from topics in this field of research, but this one has left me dazed, confused and angry - so I have stayed away...
Until now.
Bigfoottrackers. Who are these guys? Does anyone really know? For those of you reading about this for the first time let me give you a brief synopsis of the situation (if that is possible).
A couple guys headed out into the woods one day, a day and a half later (with the help of friends) they drug out the body of a bigfoot (or so they claim). First they claim to have killed the bigfoot, then they said later they stumbled upon the body by accident but, they report an entire group (5?) in the same area. The list of deceptive comments by these men is very long, so I wont even begin listing them. Since announcing their alleged find this group of men has been bending over backwards to insult everyone in this field of research.
The UTube videos are now gone, but the anger from the community remains.
The important question is this: Do they have the body of a bigfoot?
Answer: No one knows.
It's being reported that DNA tests are being performed as we speak, with the results pending. The BigfootTrackers have teamed up with Tom Biscardi, and there is a press conference scheduled for this friday August 15th.
August 12, 2008
DNA evidence and photo evidence to be presented at a
to be held on
Date: Friday, August 15, 2008
Time: From 12Noon-1:00pm
Place: Cabana Hotel-Palo Alto (A Crown Plaza Resort)
4290 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, California 94306
Searching for Bigfoot, Inc.
Menlo Park, California
Tom Biscardi, CEO
*End Press Release*
Does this scheduled press conference mean bigfoot has been discovered? No. Does this mean the guys in Georgia are really in possession of a bigfoot body? No. What does it mean?
Who knows? Now we are dealing with the release of this photo:

Is that the body of a real bigfoot?? Well, before you call your parents and start calling your boss a liar - check out these photos.

Thank you to W. Parcher, Crow Logic and Plaidlemur for his hard work. For those of you that don't know, thats a gorilla mask, the match is undeniable.
I often times do not discuss issues such as this,
because even though the situations end is pretty obvious - It's sometimes wise to sit back and watch all the steps to the ultimate demise of the issue. In this situation we are still waiting for DNA results which I am fairly certain will "seal the deal".
Set aside all the lies and attitude,
The question is "Do the Georgia guys have a bigfoot body".. Or, is this just another game, played at the expense of those who get out there every single day and do what they can to get this animal documented? I truly hope this is not a game. I want for this animal to be discovered but, do I think it's happening right now?
Not this time.
I truly hope I am wrong, but I really think I am not. My comments on this issue are short and sweet but after looking at the above photos, whatelse is there to say?