2010 Ohio Conference
Has it been a week, already?
I was going to give a full review of all the speakers, but I think everyone knows how I feel about the time and effort put into this research by Dr. Meldrum, Larry Lund, Tom Yamarone and the rest of the fantastic speakers..
Meeting Bob Gimlin was a specific pleasure for me. Not many know this, but I had the opportunity to speak with Mr. Gimlin a couple years back.
Some memories we want to keep to ourselves.
I will say this, it's very easy to sell yourself as a credible, or even likable, person over the internet or phone - but if you are a scoundrel, it's very difficult to not show that in person.
Bob Gimlin approached myself and Wayne - and gave me a big hug (ignoring his arm in a sling) and began to talk to me as if we were old friends. You can't fake that kind of genuine attitude. Bob is much smaller in person than I had imagined - but don't let that fool you, this is a man of substance and a tremendous amount of strength. One would almost have to be, to endure the kind of lifetime harassment this man has had to endure, and he doesn't look any worse for the wear.
I was impressed with Mr. Gimlin's open attitude, and desire to meet everyone and answer every question they might have for him.
In my "professional life" I have heard many stories,
I have listened to many who have tried to convince me their account of what happened, is the truth. But never, in all my life have I heard someone speak with such conviction and desire, as Mr. Bob Gimlin. It's almost as if he wants to make his story, belong to each and every one of us.
Do I believe Mr. Gimlin because he is a good person?
No. I have called many good people liars. I believe Mr. Gimlin due to the simple fact that he does not hide from questions and his story has not changed. I didn't even have to question him. All I did was stand back, and let others do the asking. His story and his answers were the same.
Do you know how very difficult it is to tell a lie with details, for 40+ years, and not change any of those details?
Most can not do it. Most can't make it a year.
I give high marks to Mr. Gimlin for accepting the invitation to come to Ohio, and placing himself directly in the line of fire, yet again, and causing many skeptics at the conference to openly admit, they need to re-think their comments and attitude toward Mr. Gimlin and his account of what happened on that day in Bluff Creek California.
Can you imagine seeing something that is not supposed to exist, capturing it on film, then being publicly berated for 40+ year? I wouldn't wish that on anyone, but if it had to happen, I am glad it happened to someone with the guts to defend them self and their account.
Most will not talk about their sighting. Wonder why?
I would also like to thank Don Keating for a fantastic weekend, along with Joyce (whom I did not get to meet unfortunately), Tom Yamarone and everyone who made this possible.
Little did Don Keating know, but this conference turned into a happy reunion for myself, Monica, Jerry and Craig of the TBRC. I wish more of my friends with the TBRC could have attended, but know I miss you all - and hope to see you again soon. Mike, no excuses next year, bring the family and make it a vacation!!
If you have been involved in this research for more than a couple years,
Conferences turn into something more than "information". They turn into reunions with old friends. You make new friends, and talk about how much fun you had on your various "pages" . You look forward to the next conference - so you can reunite with those old friends, make new friends and create more fun memories to discuss for another year.
Lets face it,
At the end of the day, we are all people. We all make connections, and we all enjoy life outside of stalking in the woods for a big hairy monkey. There should always be something more to life - and unless you are devoid of all emotion, regardless of your pursuits, you will meet people along the way that influence or touch your life. Never turn away the chance of a new friendship, or even an old one that may have gone wrong.
To those I met for the first time during this conference, thank you for introducing yourselves and, thank you for taking the time to get to know me, and allowing me to know you.
I look forward to many conferences in the future - and I hope all of my old friends are there, along with new friends I make along the way :)
At 12:08 AM,
Henry May said…
Great write-up on the Conference, Mel. And it was SUCH a pleasure to meet you at last and give you a big hug. And I completely agree with all your assessments of Bob Gimlin as well. He is a great, genuine warm man, full of personality and life. Looking forward to next year's Conference and giving you another hug. Take care.
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