What's Your Goal?

If you answered a resounding, “Yes,” to any of those questions, then I have a question for you.
What will you do if you find it?
Lord knows I have written a number of articles on this issue. Why? Well, it’s a question worth exploring. It’s a question I ask myself, all the time.
To document or to hide.. Which do you choose?
1. I have always come down on the side of documentation, as being the end goal. Why? Because I feel it’s important that every animal on this planet be recognized, and allow that recognition to lead to protection. Over the years, however, I have seen and heard first hand, what documentation and discovery has done for some animals we know about. So, is my goal the best one? I doubt that a little more every day.
2. Then we have the side of, “document for my own personal knowledge.” I think that’s great, but what is the goal here? Find the animal so you know it’s out there? Well, if you’re a Bigfoot researcher, didn’t you already think it was possible? Heck, I know researchers who would stand up in a court of law and proudly proclaim they have in fact seen a Bigfoot, so they already state they know the animal is out there. Personal knowledge should be established.
Is it possible to document the animals existence, and not jeopardize it? I think that is a possibility. But, there are many who would do whatever is possible to stand in the way of this. “You need a body!!” People yell loudly. I guess, from a scientific perspective, yeah that may be true, but why is it necessary? Wildlife Biologists dart, tag and collect samples of wild animals all the time. Yes, I know the problem with this idea is in the illusive nature of this animal, but are we so limited now in our thinking (as humans) we can not find a better way? Is killing really our only option?
What do you think?