
October 6, 2010

Whale Wars ~ Pete Bethune, Captain of the Ady Gil

Join Monica and Melissa, October 20th, as we talk to Pete Bethune, Captain of the Ady Gil.

Thousands watched during last years season of Animal Planets hit television show "Whale Wars" as Captain Pete Bethune's boat,"The Ady Gil" was rammed by a Japanese fishing vessel, The Shonan Maru II, sinking the Ady Gil to the bottom of the frigid waters of the Antartic.

After you check to be certain no one is hurt, and you watch helplessly as your multi-million dollar boat sinks to the bottom of the ocean, what do you do next?

Make plans to board the ship, that sunk yours!!!

That is exactly what Pete Bethune did. He was promptly arrested by the Shonen Maru II Security, and taken to Japan, where he sat in a maximum security Japanese prison for 5 months.

I must be honest and tell you all, I watched this specific episode, and was stunned to see the Japanese protesters more upset that their supply of whale meat is being affected (FYI Whaling in the antartic waters for anything other than scientific purposes is Illegal) than they were about Mr. Bethune boarding a Japanese Fishing vessel - which is what he was charged for. So, I had to ask myself, is this really about scientific research, or a loop hole to kill whales (for human consumption) as is claimed by the Sea Shepard crew?

Listen to Mr. Bethune tell his story, and decide for yourself.

Tune into "The Grey Area", there are always two sides to every story - and this is an important issue.


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