January 28, 2014
January 16, 2014
Tonight on Blogtalk Radio !!
The SquatchDetective Steve Kulls returns, to BlogTalk Radio at 8:00 PM Eastern, with guest Guy Edwards of the Blog site "The Bigfoot Lunch Club".
After you finish listening to the, SquatchDetective;
Larry Battson's Wild World is also live on Blogtalk Radio at 10:00 PM with guest Willie Wilcox of Utopia. Right now Willlie is on tour with ZZ Top. Bet he has some stories to tell !!
That is all folks, Have a GREAT DAY !!
Labels: Animals, Battson, Bigfoot, Bigfoot Lunch Club, Blogtalk, Guy Edwards, Internet Radio, Kulls, Reports, Sasquatch, SquatchDetective, Wild World, Willie Wilcox
January 15, 2014
The Sierra Shooting.....
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Justin Smeja |
Other than adding Justin's name as a caption this is unchanged.
Enjoy !!
Was a Bigfoot shot and killed in the Sierra Mountains of California?
A gentleman by the name of, Justin Smeja, says “Yes,” and he is the man who did it.
Now, before I start this story let me say this. I have stayed away from the telling of this. Why? I wasn’t there and I haven’t spoken with Mr. Smeja.
Is this story true? Well, I am going to spread the story some more.
Justin Smeja says on October 8th of 2010 he was out bear and deer hunting with a friend. When they rounded a corner in a truck and seen what, Justin describes as a “monster”.
Okay, everyone stop. Take a deep breath.
Let’s be honest, most people would think the very same thing if confronted with an animal that is not supposed to exist. Bigfoot is the stuff of nightmares for most.
Why? Because unlike Bigfoot researchers, the general population thinks “it’s a good story, but really, it can’t really be out there.” Sure they watch the T.V. shows and then take the Yahoo polls, but when new reports come in, the witnesses are still just as freaked out as ever.
Thinking something could be out there, is far different, than seeing it and knowing it’s out there.
So, Justin, and his friend (who is unnamed) round this corner in the truck and spot this Bigfoot. Justin states he grabbed his rifle (I am assuming he exited the vehicle) and put the Bigfoot in his scope.
At the same time his friend is looking at the Bigfoot through his binoculars, yelling at Justin, “It’s a person in a suit, don’t shoot!”
While (according to Justin) the alleged Bigfoot has its arms in the air in a manner which suggests the animal is trying to say “don’t shoot!” Justin does anyway, and says he hit the animal in the lung.
First issue, If you don’t know with absolute certainty what you are about to shoot is not an animal, but could be a person in a suit (say for example for a production company or just some idiot who thinks it’s funny) you probably shouldn’t be pulling the trigger.
So Justin pulls the trigger and hits this animal in the lung. Assuming of course it’s a Bigfoot, and not some poor schmuck in a costume with a bad sense of humor.
Justin then reports two juveniles are seen, as both Jason and his friend look for what they now think is a female Bigfoot.
In the interest of time let’s just cut to the chase, because in his own telling of the situation on Abe’s show, things were a bit confusing at this point.
Understandably there was much rushing through his head and both of these men had to be scared out of their shorts if they really thought they either killed a human in a suit or lung shot an animal. Either one of the options can carry some serious life changing issues. One might also, reasonably assume, if the animal didn’t drop where it stood, it may come back looking for you. I might think that.
Justin then reports he shot one of the juveniles. Apparently Justin was being approached by one of the juveniles, and against the advice of his friend, Justin, neck shot the juvenile.
What happened after this point is of no real consequence. If you believe the story told by, Justin, it is game over.
As I sit here and listen to the story I can’t deny he sounds like a man who has great remorse for whatever he may have done, OR, he is a great storyteller. As he discusses his friend, holding the dead juvenile in his arms and saying, “what did you do?” It’s almost painful to listen to.
Whether you believe, Justin, or not – this is one powerful story. Way better than anything told by Biscardi or the Georgia Boys.
I have the feeling that one day this story will rank right up there with “Ape Canyon.” It will be told for years to come.
But, Justin Smeja has unknowingly re-kindled a fight that has been going on within this field of research for a very long time; the Kill vs. No-Kill debate.
First of all, let’s be very clear on one point. Justin was not a Bigfoot researcher at the time of this shooting. Our own Kill vs. No-Kill label doesn’t apply. By his own admission, he was simply out in the wilderness hunting for known animals when this happened, if his story is to be believed.
The one part of the story I have the most problem with is when Justin states they left the juvenile in the bushes to come back for it later. Why? Well, it wouldn’t have taken any time to put that dead body, of the juvenile that they had, into the bed of the truck. Instead, Justin states, they simply left it in the elements and thinking they would come back for it. Justin talks about fear of someone hearing the shots. Why would he have been worried about that if they were still within the legal hunting hours?
That part of the story, for me, is very confusing.
If this story is true, those that are upset should ask themselves one question. Is getting upset with this man going to turn back the hands of time and magically restore life to one or both of these animals?
No, we can get as mad as we want, but the animals in question will not magically regain life.
Justin did, however, take this horrible situation and make the best of it he could. While, he could not find either of the bodies, he did recover samples, which he states were turned over for DNA analysis. Justin could have just said, “Forget it, I don’t care!” And not even went back to look for either body. But, he did (or so he states). He could have walked away from this whole thing. If, he had done that, that would have been a real loss and an absolute crying shame especially if his story is true.
Look folks, I am a realist. I do not think science will ever take us seriously until we have something in the way of DNA that proves this animal exists. We can fight each other all we want on this Kill v. No-Kill issue, but at the end of the day science makes the rules for the proof of existence.
Whether we, like it or not or even if we agree with it, our “feelings” do not matter to the world of science who is asking for solid proof. Those are the rules in which we must play this game if we want this animal recognized and protected.
What I find ironic is this. Everyone; Kill and No-Kill, are anxiously awaiting the results of Dr. Ketchums results.
Some of which come from samples recovered from this, “Sierra shooting incident”. If you are angry with, Justin, over this shooting, isn’t it a bit hypocritical to say you are anxiously awaiting the results of Dr. Ketchums work? How do you think Dr. Ketchum came across the necessary samples to do DNA analysis? All of her work can’t rely on hair samples. She must have blood or tissue samples of some kind, I would think.
Anytime you take away someone’s right to do something, you open the door to having that same right taken away from you.
While today you may not see a reason for why you might want to shoot or kill this animal, there may come a day when you are forced into making that decision. Do you want that decision to have already been made? Life is full of choices, sometimes, they are unforeseeable. Don’t fool yourself.
I have said a thousand times (probably more);
I am No-Kill, but I would not take away someone else’s right to do what they think is right. The decision to be Pro-Kill or No-Kill is a personal decision each one of us must make, on our own. I was not with Justin on that faithful day. I do not know if his story is true. But, my aunt (whom I love very much) has always told me:
“Walk a mile in someone else’s shoes.” I think that is really good advice, so long as you don't also have to remove your brain.
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Labels: 10 Million, Bigoot, Bounty, Dead, Disotell, Hunter, Justin Smeja, Reality, Sas, Sasquatch, Sierra, Spike, Television
News ~ What's Going On !!
Peter Weimer of Wewanchu Cottages and the Bigfoot Expo in Chatauqua Lake has something worth checking out January 16 and the 19th -- so this weekend in Cleveland. Check it out!!
Creature Weekend just made a fantastic announcement!! John Mionczynski has been listed as a speaker for this years event!!!
Have a great day everyone !!!!
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Labels: 10 Million, Bigfoot, Bigfoot Bounty, Cabelas, Cleveland, Creature Weekend, Davies, Dean Cain, Disotell, Guy Edwards, Orang Pendek, Sasquatch, Weimer
January 13, 2014
Bigfoot Discovery Museum!! Go check em out !!!
Have a great day everyone !!!!
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Labels: Bigfoot, California, Felton, Museum, Rugg, Sasquatch
January 12, 2014
Justins Response Part 2: Emails Returned.
As promised, I sent emails out. No one could go on the record but I was able to have a chat on Twitter with Jon Kroll who is the Executive Producer for Bigfoot Bounty.
Twitter is a tough place to get answers to questions.
According to Mr. Kroll, Justin knew this would be aired and understood, so should I feel bad??
Edited to add: Just so I don't get accused of jacking his comments without his permission, by those who should have done this to begin with, but instead chose to sit back and complain.
As for the gentleman out there accusing me of causing trouble for Justin, and calling me a word that rhymes with "itch", let me just say this.
P.S. I'm glad I told you nothing. You had the information right in front of you and you still got it wrong. By the way, a friend doesn't do what you did - regardless of how entitled they think they are.
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Labels: 10 Million, Bigfoot, Bounty, Dean Cain, Disotell, Kroll, Reality, Smeja, Television
Justin Smeja responds.
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Labels: Bigfoot, Bounty, Dean Cain, Disotell, Reality, Smeja, Spike, Television
January 11, 2014
My review of Bigfoot Bounty 1st Episode.
That may be past tense now?
Personally, I think all opinions are important and I am not going to apologize for making the opinions of everyone heard. They have the right to say what they think about a Television show. Since when are reviews taboo?
Follow me on Facebook and Twitter !!
Labels: Bigfoot, Bounty, Dean Cain, Disotell, Reality, Spike, Television
Episode 1~ 10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty..........
Josh Gates on Twitter |
Ooops. Josh Gates could surely make this interesting. Well, he already has.
SPIKE TV clearly does not understand that there are millions of people who take this topic very seriously. There is a long standing community of researchers and enthusiasts, most of which know each other. We know that NONE of the people on this show have any research experience, despite what SPIKE TV is telling you. The amazing thing is that the hate tweets were not even from experienced bigfooters, my guess is they didn't even bother to watch the show. We actually do go into the woods and watching these people, it was really clear they had no idea what they were doing.
The premise of the show, put all of the teams in the woods until midnight, in the same location and have them find evidence is.. well.. pretty ridiculous. Most researchers know that you can spend weeks at a time, in the daylight and NEVER find a single thing. As Cliff says on Finding Bigfoot, it's like finding a needle in a stack of haystacks.
This show is a sham.
Real researchers are careful to be totally alone with no one around for miles and miles and do not give up their research locations. This prevents mistaken audio recordings, where one researcher is heard unbeknownst to the other.
Real researchers know that to have any kind of encounter, you have to do your homework, study an area before going into it. It's all about timing. I've had well respected, known researchers tell me that in the decade they've been investigating and hundreds of expeditions they've had only one experience and found only a few tracks or evidence. Why? This is an extremely rare species that is well adapted to their environment. That the show would encourage the killing of a rare species like this is disgusting. I will never watch SPIKE TV again, there is currently an effort underway in various Bigfoot pages on Facebook to boycott advertisers on SPIKE TV. Yeah, that goes for you too mr Bar Rescue. WE ARE DONE WITH SPIKE.
You can't disrespect a topic that native American's and history has treated with the utmost respect and have anything good come of it. There are few mysteries left for the common man to experience, this show just pooped all over the good people who spend their free time and hard earned money trying to leave the earth a better place.
Labels: 10 Million, Bigfoot, Bounty, Dean Cain, Gates, Reality, Spike, Television
January 8, 2014
Go Blame Someone Else ~ You Were Warned!!
My own personal thoughts on the latest ~ no worries his name is not used ~ but if you're sensitive you might want to skip this article.
How about that?
But instead there is this push to get behind every foul mouthed jerk that comes along and calls themselves a "Bigfoot Researcher". Lets be honest, many out there believed this hoaxer (again) because he was so vocal and willing to defend himself strongly (as it was put) if necessary. No, he simply silenced people, by insulting and attacking. Which is the status quo these days.
January 7, 2014
My Own Experience. 2010 Virginia
Possible? I guess. But what could do that?
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Copyright Rebekah Sisk |
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Copyright Rebekah Sisk |